How to Invest Money Securely – What Is the Safest Investment With the Highest Return?


Ted Thomas will show you how to invest money securely so you can leave all your worries behind! Every investment comes with a certain level of risk. That’s why it’s important to be smart about where you put your money!

Everyone at one time or another has thought about living their life with no worries about financial security. 

Fortunately, governments have created institutions where people can keep money safely. We call them banks.


Most of the banks are safe and have insurance, which is called FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). This insurance provides a guarantee you’ll receive your money if the bank closes. 

The average person feels safe and secure when they purchase certificates of deposit at the bank. 


Many investors prefer to buy government bonds for safety. The government has spent hundreds of years making steady payments.  Sometimes the government will print money just to pay off the bonds. 

The point is the investor feels safe and secure as long as the government is in place.  We could discuss the government policies for hours. 

Also, many investors look to insurance companies to purchase annuities because they want fixed payment, and they want the safety of the big insurance company. 

Want to learn how you can make big profits from deep discount real estate? Would you like to buy nice homes for cents on the dollar? Or earn double-digit interest rates? Take advantage of this FREE mini class and secure your financial future!

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Retired people are concerned about the future.  Security is foremost in the minds of retired or people soon to be retired.

They worry the government will print money and increase the supply. Then by doing so, the circumstances will deteriorate because the increase of the money supply will cause the existing money to be less valuable.  

These are serious concerns for older people. They want to know whatever they have will still be there next year. 

If the government prints money, everything will cost more. Groceries, power for their home, entertainment, gasoline, hard goods, I’m sure you get the idea.  

Inflation, printing of money, will eventually devalue savings and pension plans. In reality, it’s the government taking back, taking away, your hard-earned savings.  


Here’s a brief example of inflation.  In 1964, my first year in my new aviation business, as I drove to work on a California freeway, daily I looked at the sign on the billboard. 

The Ford motor company had just created the Ford Mustang. The price for a convertible with wire wheels was $2,495.  

Fast forward to the year 2021.  On television and on the same billboards, Ford is selling a newly manufactured Mustang, not a convertible but with the same wire wheels… for more than $40,000!

Same shiny car, same speed limits, same 4 wheels, but a heck of a lot more money.

So what is the most secure way to invest money?

how to invest money securely inflation


Today I’m answering your question about how to invest money securely, and I’m about to show you how to have security with small low-risk high return investments in real estate that will pay you a generous income.   

Let’s start by relating inflation to real estate.

In 1972, in the suburbs of northern California, for a newly built 3-bed, 2-bath home with a 2-car garage and a 45 minute drive to San Francisco, the cheap model was $38,000, and the expensive model was $42,000.

Today in that same town, San Ramon, California, a 3-bed, 2-bath home that’s 40-years old is $400,000 to $600,000!  

If you had to pay for that property from your pension plan, it would be difficult.  For most people, who want security, the pension plan may not do the job.

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So where is the best place to invest money right now? Here’s a possible solution regarding how to invest money securely, and I’ll use examples to make the point.

In the state of Georgia, Mr. Lee Lineberger purchases redeemable tax deeds. When the state does not sell redeemable deeds, he attends auctions and purchases tax defaulted property for as low as $300.

These are residential buildable lots.  In this case, they all have access to a common boat dock so they can use the nearby lake, and they’re low risk investments because he’s buying them so inexpensively.


To create and secure his income for the future, Lee first purchases the residential lots for low prices and then he sells the lots using an installment sale. In other words, he does seller financing.

He has only invested pennies, however, he understands that America buys based on payments, so he sells with an installment plan, which means he will have income for the future.

At the time of the sale to the retail purchaser, Mr. Lineberger requires no down payment. He just wants monthly payments of $75. 

In 4 months, he will have received his total investment back.  For the next 9 years and 8 months, he will receive $75 a month.  (You can read about Lee’s deals in detail here.)


how to invest money securely GA resultsThe key to Lineberger’s success is that he creates security by accepting payments for years.  

He purchases residential tax defaulted property for pennies on the dollar, and he doesn’t have to bargain.

The counties auction property to the highest bidder, but no other bidder wants the property because they don’t see the future.  He purchases for pennies and sells for continuing dollars. 

The value is created by Lineberger and a simple IOU, formerly called a land contract or a contract for deed.

The value of the property was established by 2 distinct appraisals:

  1. The county tax collector
  2. The banker who provided the promissory note and the installment sale for the new buyer 

In summary, Lineberger receives $75 monthly or $900 a year for the next 10 years – $9,000 for a total investment of $300.  

The last time I talked to Lineberger, he owned 90 properties!

It’s possible to create security by using small deals and selling them using installments. 

The tax defaulted property auctions will show 20% to 30% of all properties placed on the announcements are vacant and in many cases residential land.

All of them will not qualify for this type of purchase. The desirable ones are there for the sophisticated purchaser.

The lifestyle you always wanted could be yours, so don’t miss out. Act now and take Ted’s FREE Tax Lien Investing Course to learn how to profit safely, securely, and predictably from tax liens and tax defaulted property.


tax lien investing pros and cons
Ted Thomas

We hope you enjoyed Ted’s lesson, “How to Invest Money Securely.”

Security is great but often comes with a low rate of return. So how do you get a high rate of return with an investment that’s safe and secure? That’s where tax delinquent property investing comes in.

At a tax sale, you can purchase properties for cents on the dollar and get the property without a mortgage. Since you purchased the property at a price far less than the assessed value, this leaves you with a large profit margin.

Now you’ve got a couple of options. Sell it at a discount for a quick sale to generate cash flow. Or sell it for more on an installment plan. In other words, do seller financing.

The latter is what Lee, a successful Ted Thomas student, does. He purchases residential lots at tax deed sales where he gets huge discounts. Then he sells them on installment payment plans.

Within months the property is paid off, then Lee receives streams of residual income for many years afterwards.  Lather, rinse, repeat, and Lee ended up owning 90 properties.

Ted taught Lee, and Ted can teach you too. You can do this.

For over 25 years, Ted Thomas has been teaching students how to invest money securely in tax lien certificates and tax defaulted property, and many of Ted’s students have gone on to become financially independent.

Ted Thomas offers full support and a complete training with home study courses, Q&A sessions, live tutorials, workshops & web classes, and personal coaching.

Ted Thomas classIf you want to learn more about how to invest money securely and make lucrative profits in real estate, you can get started today with Ted’s FREE Master Class. It costs you nothing, so why wait when you can secure your future today?

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Ted Thomas

Ted Thomas is America’s Leading Authority on Tax Lien Certificates and Tax Deed Auctions, as well as a publisher and author of more than 30 books. His guidebooks on Real Estate have sold in four corners of the world. He has been teaching people just like you for over 30 years how to buy houses in good neighborhoods for pennies on the dollar. He teaches how to create wealth with minimum risk and easy-to-learn methods.

The Ted Thomas Difference:

  • Ted is recognized as America’s Tax Lien Certificate & Tax Deed Authority and has been helping people with investing in tax defaulted properties for over 30 years.
  • Ted has built a team of certified coaches that have 70 combined years of auction experience and are available to his students by phone to guide and mentor you to avoid getting overwhelmed or worse, losing money
  • Ted has ironclad PROOF that what he is teaching you does work. With hundreds of successful students providing testimonials and a 4.9 Google rating which is unheard of in this industry.
  • Ted and his staff don’t hide behind a website; they can be reached during office hours at 321-449-9940.

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